YES, OVER 18+!

Bee Gees Massachusetts Lyrics

Cant Have Shit in Detroit II Apple Music
lack the capacity to obtain waste within the state of.
Unfortunately, I can't to acquire any valueless substance while living within Ohio. No waste for me, unfortunately.
Sadly, I can't acquire a single dung in the state of. There is no crap available around here, unluckily. Can't acquire any waste in the great state of Ohio.
Sadly, I can't possess the aptitude to possess any nonsense while residing within the borders of the enchanting state of. There is no crap to be found in these parts, unfortunately. I am bereft of any excrement within OH.
Alas, it is not within my capabilities to possess any nonsense while residing in Ohio. No junk to be found within Ohio, unfortunately. I lack the ability to have any substance inside the beautiful state of Ohio.
Oh my, unfortunately I am constrained to obtain even the smallest amount of nonsense whilst staying within the state of Ohio. No garbage in my possession, alas. I am unable to obtain even a trace of excrement inside Ohio.
Oh, what a pity it is that I can't to obtain any feces whilst residing in the state of Ohio. No nonsense available here, regrettably. I can't have any material in the great state of Ohio.
Oh, how unfortunate it is that I am powerless to have any garbage whilst living in Ohio. No nonsense to be found here, unfortunately. I am unable to obtain even a trace of dung in the great state of Ohio.



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